
Ceremony & Reception

High school friends at the thumb print table instead of a sign in book.

We had the walking of the parents and grandparents but I figured you guys weren't interested in those pictures. haha

Our ring bearer was Jaime's cousin and the flower girl is his little sister. She was running all over the place. haha!

Despite my facial expression, I was really excited!

One of my favorite walks with Dad.

Definitely one of my favorite pictures. Jaime is a hugger.

My Parents

Jaime's Parents and Grandpa

My Grandparents. My papa said the opening prayer, he's a pastor in Colorado.

The "we're finally married hug"

The "holy crap we really did this" teary eyed faces

My family

Jaime's dad and little half sister

My face is hilarious

Jaime looks like a scarecrow 

I love this picture!

I'm a little sassy.

Entering the reception after a few pictures.

I got more compliments on my food at the reception! She is wonderful!

Happy to see food!

Eyeing him down...did not want cake all over my face.

I'm a graceful eater.

Did not know he was gonna do that! haha

A good chunk of Jaime's family who came.

Kisses from my cousin Kyle.

The picture my grandmother took.

Goodbye hug to dad.

My parents surprised us with a limo ride to the airport!

Check back soon for Wedding Details!


  1. These photos make me so happy!! You two are such an inspiring couple and I am very excited to be on the road to marriage myself! :D <3

    1. Awe, good, I'm so glad! Thank you! Marriage can be a beautiful thing if you both work at it and let God guide you both.


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