
National Puppy Day

An email from Petsmart informed me that it was National Puppy Day! 
Image: Heather @ Woballe Bows
When deciding to get Charlie, I wanted a puppy that would be cute and look like a puppy her whole life. So far, Charlie still looks like a puppy to me! She will be 2 on June 14th! She weighs a total of 8 lbs and definitely still has the energy of a puppy! We can thank her poodle genes for that! She is a Maltipoo or Maltepoo, however you want to spell it. She's part Maltese and part Poodle. I wanted a dog that shed minimally. I'm not a fan of wearing or eating my dog's hair. I barely notice her hair, which is wonderful! Especially for the family who aren't used to inside dogs! Anyways, heres some of my favorite pictures from her first year! And as you can tell, we were new fur parents and didn't know when to groom her. Her hair got a little wild!

Day we first got her, so wittle and fluffy!

First Bath

We tooke one picture with her for our One Year Anniversary photo shoot.

First Puppychino!

First Haircut

Loved Dryer sheets!

First package of Woballe Bows

LOVES dryer sheets!

Dog shamming. 

Matching Ornament!

First snow!

My running partner!

Saying goodbye to dad before he deployed. 
Helping me set tobacco.

First birthday!

She's been a joy in my life! I'm so thankful to have her! Give your puppies extra lovin's today!

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