#TTC Baby Patterson Update

I've been journaling month to month updates since January, as a way to document this part of my life. I wanted to take a piece from it about what's going on lately and how we've changed our sails on this journey.

"We went home for the weekend because I needed to get my hair done and to visit friends and family since we hadn't been home in a month. But what really changed our perspective and our game plan was the sermon Jaime made me listen to on our way home back to Michigan. He just googled: infertility sermons. His favorite Youtube preacher had a sermon and he uses KJV so we listened to it. 

HOLY CONVICTION! I hadn't felt convicted about our plan to concieve until I listened to that sermon. IVF is playing God and I don't want to play God. I'm not writing it off completely. I don't think anyone who has had a baby with it is horrible or is going to Hell. We just decided we won't go that route. We also confessed to one another that we haven't been praying {with complete and utter faith} that GOD will give us a baby. I think we have been leaning on the prescriptions and doctors instead of leaning on the Great Physician. 

The preacher made a statement that has given me so much hope and makes me just want to wait on God's timing. He said, "Every women in the Bible who was infertile or barren eventually had a child." What hope! Some had to wait 20 years but they eventually had a child. I hope I don't have to wait that long but if I do, I know it's part of God's plan. I know I am to use this time to grow closer to God and to my husband. And I want to do just that! 

I'm thankful we went to a fertility specialist though! We discovered that I had a thyroid problem and got that under control. I go my OB GYN this week to plan to have a HSG done before we get too far into this next cycle. And depending on if my tubes are blocked or not blocked, we'll move forward with the next round of infertility meds or surgery to clean that mess up. I don't want to think and plan too far ahead anymore. But as a couple, we decided we'll just use the shots we were given and then be done with medical help. "

pictures from our drive home Sunday night

"We'll just continue to eat healthy, enjoy each day together, keep growing closer to God and live a happy, beautiful life together. God knows better than we do and I want to trust him whole heartedly."

So now, you're caught up. We've changed our mindset and outlook. We're going to hold God's hand and walk through this life knowing: He knows the desires of our hearts and we trust in His plan.

I feel more like myself pre trying-to-make-a-baby-for-the-past-year-hormonal-crying-mess Faith and will be back on Insta, FB, and Snapchat-just less than I was. I throughly enjoyed my time away but I also enjoy my friends I've made through social media and want to be there for you guys as well! So be prepared to see and hear more from me. Thanks for praying for us! We appreciate it!

(If you want to hear the sermon we listened to, here it is!)


  1. Wow. What a powerful crossroad to come to. I know that people have told you their story probably more times than you would like but I got to that point. I went to see a doctor after over a year of trying. She said when I came back we would start this and that but something didn't seem right with planning a baby that God wasn't ready for me to have yet. Michael and I prayed about it and really strengthened us and our relationship. We stopped focusing on baby, baby, baby, and focused on us. A few months later, when God was ready, he gave us the greatest gift. No medicine was needed. It was just HIS timing and His timing has been perfect. I love how open you have been along this journey as its not an easy one to share and experience. Praying for you friend.

    1. Yes! I kept feeling like this wasn't how it was supposed to be. I wanted to create a baby with my husband out of love, and not medical drugs. I know everyone deals with infertility differently, it just took me longer to realize beyond the medical side to not conceiving yet, God hasn't given me a baby yet for a reason. He can make my follicles mature anytime He chooses too. He is bigger than this. And I'm just going to have to be patient and wait.
      Yes, we've been trying not to just talk about ovulation, timmed intercourse, when the baby would be born, etc. and focus on spending time with each other.
      That is so wonderful! I'm so so so happy for you! Your testimony gives me hope and renews my hope in God.
      Thank you! I could use all the prayers I can get! I'll be praying for a full term, healthy pregnancy for you!

  2. This is soooo relatable for me. My husband and I have been TTC for 2 years and this is how I feel about the whole thing too. A few weeks ago, we took it to the altar and left it there. I don't want to get ahead of God- I want to do it His way!


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